The Bibi-Heybat Mosque on the outskirts of Baku Azerbaijan has an unusual history. The-Heybat Masjid Bibi di pinggiran Baku Azerbaijan memiliki sejarah yang tidak biasa. First of all, it was built to honor the sister of the 7th Shiite Imam, Ali, and secondly, when the mosque was destroyed during Stalin's rule, legends arose about a woman wrapped in white disappearing down into the sea who would return when times got better. Pertama-tama, dibangun untuk menghormati adik Imam Syi'ah ke-7, Ali, dan kedua, ketika masjid itu hancur selama's pemerintahan Stalin, legenda muncul tentang seorang wanita terbungkus putih menghilang turun ke laut yang akan pulang ketika kali mendapat lebih baik. The legends that have grown up around the Bibi-Heybat Mosque are examples of how such narratives in the minds of the community can influence reality later on. Legenda yang berkembang di sekitar masalah-Heybat Masjid Bibi adalah contoh bagaimana narasi tersebut dalam pikiran masyarakat dapat mempengaruhi realitas di kemudian hari. A new Mosque has recently been constructed on the same spot and dedicated in July 1998. Sebuah Masjid baru-baru ini telah dibangun di tempat yang sama dan berdedikasi pada bulan Juli 1998.
When foreigners flocked to Baku during its First Oil Boom at the end of the 19th century, they brought their religious beliefs with them. Ketika orang asing berbondong-bondong ke Baku selama yang Pertama Oil Boom pada akhir abad ke-19, mereka membawa kepercayaan agama mereka dengan mereka. Although Azerbaijan was traditionally a Muslim country, the country was open and tolerant of other religious practices including Judaism and Christianity. Meskipun Azerbaijan secara tradisional sebuah negara Muslim, negara itu terbuka dan toleran terhadap praktik agama lain termasuk Yudaisme dan Kristen. The architectural landscape of Baku soon revealed this religious diversity. Pemandangan arsitektur Baku segera mengungkapkan hal ini keragaman agama. Along with palatial residences, community theaters, clubs and music halls, a new wave of mosques, churches and synagogues were built. Seiring dengan tempat tinggal mewah, komunitas teater, klub dan ruang musik, gelombang baru dari masjid, gereja dan sinagog dibangun.
Along with mosques such as the mosque of Mohammad ibn Abu Bakir, Bibi-Heybat mosque, Friday Mosque, Shirvanshah mosque and the Blue mosque. Seiring dengan masjid seperti masjid ibn Muhammad Abu Bakir,-Heybat masjid Bibi, Jumat Masjid, Shirvanshah masjid dan masjid Biru. Other religious sanctuaries included what was known as the Old Church, the Nickolayevski Cathedral, the Spassko-Preobrazhenskaya Church, the German church (Kirke), a Catholic church, and a Jewish synagogue. tempat-tempat suci agama lain termasuk apa yang dikenal sebagai Gereja Lama, Katedral Nickolayevski, the-Preobrazhenskaya Gereja Spassko, gereja Jerman (Kirke), sebuah gereja Katolik, dan rumah ibadat orang Yahudi. Also there were several Armenian churches which still stand today but are closed. Juga ada beberapa gereja Armenia yang masih berdiri hari ini, tapi ditutup.
In the 1930s, Stalin began his campaign to ban religious practices and ordered the widespread destruction of religious buildings. Pada 1930, Stalin mulai kampanye untuk melarang praktik-praktik keagamaan dan memerintahkan penghancuran luas bangunan keagamaan. The first target in Baku was the Bibi-Heybat mosque, followed by the large Alexander Nevski cathedral and several Christian churches which were dynamited shortly thereafter. Sasaran pertama di Baku adalah masjid-Heybat Bibi, diikuti oleh Alexander katedral dan beberapa gereja Kristen Nevski besar yang dynamited segera sesudahnya. Other worship centers were converted into museums or workshops or were used for storage. pusat-pusat ibadah lainnya adalah dikonversi menjadi museum atau workshop atau yang digunakan untuk penyimpanan.
The Mosque's Origins Masjid's Origins
But the Bibi-Heybat Mosque is unusual in that it is the only religious building that Stalin destroyed, to date, which has been reconstructed. Tapi-Heybat Masjid Bibi tidak biasa dalam hal itu adalah bangunan agama hanya itu Stalin hancur, sampai saat ini, yang telah direkonstruksi. The origins of this mosque go back to 7th century Baghdad. Asal-usul masjid ini kembali ke abad ke-7 Baghdad. During the reign of Caliph Garun-ar Rashid, a dispute occurred between the caliph and the eighth Imam, Ali ibn Musa. Selama masa pemerintahan khalifah-ar Rashid Garun, perselisihan terjadi antara khalifah dan Imam kedelapan, Ali bin Musa. As a result, the Imam's family and friends were persecuted and fled Baghdad in fear of their lives. Akibatnya, Imam keluarga dan teman-teman dianiaya dan melarikan diri Baghdad dalam ketakutan hidup mereka. The Imam went to the province of Khorasan (Iran) and settled in a small village. Imam pergi ke provinsi Khorasan (Iran) dan menetap di sebuah desa kecil. After he died, he was buried there as a martyr for the faith. Setelah ia meninggal, ia dikuburkan di sana sebagai martir karena iman. His tomb became a pilgrimage site for Shiite Muslims. Makamnya menjadi tempat ziarah bagi Muslim Syiah. Soon the city of Mashad grew up around it which today has become one of the major religious centers for Shi'ites, after Mecca (Saudi Arabia) and Karbala (Iraq). Segera kota Mashad tumbuh di sekitarnya yang hari ini telah menjadi salah satu pusat keagamaan utama Syiah, setelah Mekkah (Arab Saudi) dan Karbala (Irak).
Allegedly, the Imam's sister, Okuma Khanim (Mrs. Okuma), fled to Baku and, in order not to attract attention, settled along the shore of the Caspian Sea. Diduga, Imam kakaknya, Okuma Khanim (Mrs Okuma), melarikan diri ke Baku dan, agar tidak menarik perhatian, menetap di sepanjang pantai Laut Kaspia. There she led the life of a holy woman. Di sana ia memimpin kehidupan seorang wanita suci. After her death, the people erected a small crypt over her grave. Setelah kematiannya, orang-orang mendirikan crypt kecil di atas kuburnya. Years passed, and rumors about the grave of a holy woman from Mohammad's family spread throughout the East. Tahun berlalu, dan rumor tentang kuburan seorang wanita suci dari keluarga Muhammad spread di seluruh Timur. The site was declared a “pir,” or holy place. Situs ini dinyatakan sebagai "pir," atau tempat suci.
Religious people, particularly sheiks, began to settle near the site and the village was given the name Sheikhovo and later Shikhovo. Orang beragama, khususnya sheiks, mulai menetap di dekat situs tersebut dan desa diberi nama Sheikhovo dan kemudian Shikhovo. Pilgrims from distant Muslim countries were said to have come to visit Okuma Khanim's grave. Peziarah dari negara-negara Muslim jauh dikatakan telah datang untuk mengunjungi makam Khanim Okuma.
Eventually, a small mosque was built with one room which had an inscription that read: “Built by Mahmud ibn Saad.” Another plaque indicated that the mosque had been built between 663 and 665 (Hazri) or 1264-1266 according to the Western calendar. Akhirnya, sebuah masjid kecil yang dibangun dengan satu kamar yang memiliki tulisan yang berbunyi: "oleh Mahmud bin Saad. Built" menunjukkan plak lain bahwa masjid itu telah dibangun antara 663 dan 665 (Hazri) atau 1264-1266 menurut kalender Barat .
The interior of the mosque was decorated with blue tile. Bagian dalam masjid dihiasi dengan ubin biru. A crystal lamp was suspended from the ceiling. Sebuah lampu kristal tergantung dari langit-langit. When the strong Baku winds started to blow, the crystals would hit against each other and make tinkling sounds. Ketika Baku angin kencang mulai bertiup, kristal akan memukul terhadap satu sama lain dan membuat suara denting. The mosque had a 20-meter-high minaret from which the “ozan” used to call out the invitation to prayer. Masjid ini memiliki meter tinggi menara 20 dari mana "Ozan" digunakan untuk memanggil undangan untuk doa. Forty stone steps led from the mosque to the nearby pier where foreign ships docked. Empat puluh tangga batu dipimpin dari masjid ke dermaga terdekat di mana kapal-kapal asing berlabuh.
The name given to the mosque was Bibi-Heybat because in those days it was not proper to call a woman by her first name. Nama yang diberikan ke masjid itu Bibi-Heybat karena pada hari-hari itu tidak tepat untuk memanggil seorang wanita dengan nama pertamanya. Okuma Khanim had a devoted servant named Heybat. Okuma Khanim memiliki hamba setia bernama Heybat. In Azeri “bibi” means “aunt,” so calling the mosque “Bibi-Heybat” was the same as saying “the mosque of Heybat's aunt,” rather than blatantly saying, “Okuma Khanim's Mosque.” Dalam Azeri "Bibi" berarti "bibi," sehingga menyebut masjid "Bibi-Heybat" adalah sama dengan mengatakan "masjid Bibi Heybat," daripada terang-terangan berkata, "Khanim Masjid Okuma."
In 1903, an artist made a painting of the mosque. Pada tahun 1903, seorang seniman membuat lukisan dari masjid. An Englishman liked it and persuaded the artist to sell it to him. Sebuah Inggris menyukainya dan membujuk seniman untuk menjualnya kepadanya. But, allegedly, the famous Azerbaijani Oil Baron Taghiyev found out and bought back the painting from the Englishman so that it could stay in Azerbaijan. Tapi, diduga, Azerbaijan terkenal Minyak Baron Taghiyev menemukan dan membeli kembali lukisan dari Inggris sehingga bisa tinggal di Azerbaijan. During the Bolshevik Revolution (1920) when all of the Taghiyev's property was confiscated, the painting disappeared. Selama Revolusi Bolshevik (1920) ketika semua Taghiyev's properti itu disita, lukisan itu menghilang. Then 44 years later in 1964 and after Stalin had died, someone anonymously donated the painting to the Art Museum of Azerbaijan. Kemudian 44 tahun kemudian pada tahun 1964 dan setelah Stalin meninggal, seseorang anonim menyumbangkan lukisan itu ke Museum Seni Azerbaijan. Today, it is still on exhibit there. Hari ini, masih di pameran di sana.
Blowing Up the Mosque Hembusan Up Masjid yang
Legend has it that the thick walls of the Bibi-Heybat Mosque were not easy to destroy. Legenda mengatakan bahwa dinding tebal-Heybat Masjid Bibi tidak mudah rusak. The minaret also caused a lot of trouble. menara ini juga menyebabkan banyak masalah. In order to blow it up, they had to dynamite it twice. Dalam rangka meledakkannya, mereka harus dinamit dua kali. At least, that's what they say. Setidaknya, itulah apa yang mereka katakan.
Another strange phenomenon is associated with the mosque. Fenomena lain yang aneh dikaitkan dengan masjid. Two nights after it was demolished, the people of the village had trouble sleeping, outraged that their holy place had been desecrated. Dua malam setelah itu dibongkar, masyarakat desa itu sulit tidur, marah karena tempat suci mereka telah dinodai. When dawn broke, hearing shouts and a loud crash, they ran to the mosque. Ketika fajar menyingsing, mendengar teriakan dan kecelakaan keras, mereka berlari ke masjid. A Red Army soldier, who was supposed to be guarding the remnants of the mosque, stood there with eyes wide open in horror, pointing to the sea and shouting something unintelligible. Seorang prajurit Tentara Merah, yang seharusnya menjaga sisa-sisa masjid, berdiri di sana dengan mata terbuka lebar ngeri, menunjuk ke laut dan berteriak sesuatu dipahami. Where he pointed, the people could see a woman wrapped in a white veil walking down to the sea. Di mana dia menunjuk, orang-orang bisa melihat wanita dibungkus dengan kerudung putih berjalan ke laut. The vision of the woman disappeared into the red rays of the rising sun and the glistening water. Visi perempuan itu menghilang ke dalam sinar merah matahari terbit dan air berkilau. At least, that's how the legend goes. Setidaknya, begitulah legenda berjalan. An old man whispered: “She is sure to come back! Seorang pria tua berbisik: "Dia pasti akan datang kembali! She'll return in better times.” Dia akan kembali pada kali lebih baik. "
The soldier went on to describe how he had been awakened by the sound of stones crashing down on one another. Tentara itu kemudian menjelaskan bagaimana ia telah terbangun oleh suara batu runtuh pada satu sama lain. It was as if someone were moving them. Seolah-olah ada seseorang yang memindahkan mereka. Then he had seen the tiny thin form of a woman dressed in white rising from the rubble. Lalu ia telah melihat bentuk tipis kecil seorang wanita berpakaian putih naik dari reruntuhan. When she passed by him, he could detect the smell of fresh roses. Ketika ia lewat, ia bisa mendeteksi bau mawar segar. (In Azerbaijan, it is customary to wash the hands and face of the deceased with gulab or rosewater.) (Di Azerbaijan, adalah kebiasaan untuk mencuci tangan dan wajah almarhum dengan gulab atau air mawar.)
Yet another legend says that the soldiers who were involved in Bibi-Heybat's destruction died in freak accidents. Namun legenda lain mengatakan bahwa tentara yang terlibat dalam penghancuran-Heybat's Bibi meninggal dalam kecelakaan aneh. One of them allegedly drowned, another died when a boulder fell on his head, a third one was electrocuted. Salah satu dari mereka diduga tenggelam, yang lain meninggal ketika batu besar jatuh di kepalanya, satu ketiga listrik.
While it may be difficult to separate fact from fiction, it's clear that Bibi-Heybat has remained significant to the Azerbaijani people. Meskipun mungkin sulit untuk memisahkan fakta dari fiksi, jelas bahwa Bibi-Heybat tetap signifikan kepada orang-orang Azerbaijan. Maybe these stories were created to cope with the disturbing fact that their holy place had been desecrated and it was their way of revenging the destruction and creating a mental construct of justice when they could not, indeed, retaliate and defend their faith in reality. Mungkin cerita ini diciptakan untuk mengatasi kenyataan mengganggu tempat suci mereka telah dinodai dan itu adalah cara mereka revenging kehancuran dan menciptakan mental membangun keadilan ketika mereka tidak bisa, memang, membalas dan mempertahankan iman mereka dalam kenyataan.
But what is curious today is that more than 60 years after its destruction, the Bibi-Heybat Mosque has been rebuilt. Tapi apa yang aneh hari ini bahwa lebih dari 60 tahun setelah kehancuran,-Heybat Masjid Bibi telah dibangun. A dedication ceremony, attended by President Heydar Aliyev, was held on July 11, 1997. Sebuah upacara peresmian, dihadiri oleh Presiden Heydar Aliyev, diselenggarakan pada tanggal 11 Juli 1997. Regardless of whether the stories are true or not, clearly the fact that the mosque had lived on in the memories of the Azerbaijani people through legends has clearly contributed to making the building become a reality once again. Terlepas dari apakah cerita itu benar atau tidak, jelas kenyataan bahwa masjid telah tinggal di dalam kenangan orang-orang Azerbaijan melalui legenda telah jelas memberikan kontribusi untuk membuat bangunan menjadi kenyataan sekali lagi. Could it be, as predicted, that better times really have returned?- Azad Sharifov is head of the Journalism Department of the Higher Diplomacy College of Azerbaijan. Mungkinkah, sebagaimana diramalkan, bahwa kali lebih baik benar-benar telah kembali -? Azad Sharifov adalah kepala Departemen Jurnalisme dari Tinggi Diplomasi College of Azerbaijan. - ( - (Http://
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